Pootis Engage - TV Tropes (2024)

You should rename your thighs to the Gaza Strip, yeah...

POOTIS ENGAGE is a Source Filmmaker animation created by ceno0Pootis Engage - TV Tropes (2). Featuring intense visuals, countless references to contemporary memes, and an absurd premise, it's a hell of a watch.

Browsing through Twitter one day, the BLU Heavy discovers that big anime titties and asses are hidden in Area 51. He promptly joins forces with the RED Heavy to acquire their booty... and defeat anyone that tries to stop them.

You can watch it here.Pootis Engage - TV Tropes (3) The sequel and conclusion "Pootis Engage // EXTREME", filled to the brim with even more references, can be watched here.Pootis Engage - TV Tropes (4)

Help me collect extra thicc tropes!

  • Adaptational Badass: While the Heavy in Team Fortress 2 is no slouch himself, the RED and BLU Heavies in this manage to do some things that have to be seen to be believed, including:
    • A massive barrage of bullets and explosives? They utterly No-Sell it
    • Elbow dropping a guy so hard it causes an earthquake
    • Punching directly through the hull of a Humongous Mecha with no effort
    • Running at speeds that put most cars to shame
    • Withstanding being thrown to the moon and barraged with explosives
  • Area 51: The main setting of the videos, inspired by the "Storm Area 51" craze that happened in late 2019.
  • Bilingual Bonus: The Gratuitous Russian during the "Out of Your Friends, Which Are You?" section translates to "Need Dispenser Here".
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: The Isaac Clarke Mercenary discusses this with someone on the phone. The entire conversation being based on the "New Anime Plot" copypasta.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: BLU Heavy could give Deadpool a run for his money. During the fight against the Sol-dier in EXTREME he weaponizes the Letterboxes and when the duo finally reach the Anime Girls room, he actually calls and jumpscares (with the "People's Eyebrow") ceno0 himself while he was animating just to get better camera angles.
  • Cold Sniper: BLU Heavy is a stoic sniper with his anti-material rifles (and other firearms), though rarely ever uses them due to his insane brute strength. The rifles show up more in EXTREME.
  • Comically Invincible Hero: While the hero part is debatable, both Heavies are not even inconvenienced by the constant bullets and explosives thrown their way, and largely solve their problems with violence to great effect (even threatening a captcha to let them through, which works). The only time the two face anything remotely capable of threatening them is against the Sol-dier in the second episode, with the Sol-dier actually managing to kill BLU Heavy, before even that effort is undone by his severed hand touching a sandvich, reviving him instantly.
  • Cool Shades: BLU Heavy wears a pair. When he takes a grenade to the face, they get destroyed, but he just replaces them a second later. The lenses get cracked slightly in EXTREME.
  • Defiant to the End: When the RED Heavy breaches into the elevator, Crazy Ass's last act is to shoot him at point-blank with a rocket launcher.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: BLU Heavy ignores the G-Man telling him that he can't go to the Anime Girls, walking right past him.
  • Do You Want to Copulate?: How BLU Heavy greets the Anime Girls. In ending A, it gets him killed on the spot.

    BLU Heavy: Sex. NOW!

  • Enemy Mine: Even though RED and BLU are mortal enemiesnote, these two Heavies join forces for a common goal.
  • Face Fault: While looking through the large and confusing map of Area 51's underground compound, the RED Heavy does this (with a boxing ring sound effect for good measure) before the two Heavies start arguing.
  • Gainax Ending: Of the Multiple Endings variety in EXTREME.
    • Ending A: "No Bitches?" — The Heavies make it to the anime girls, but BLU Heavy immediately gets stabbed in the nads for not really having the best flirting skills.
    • Ending B: "Coach Left 4 Dead 2" — The Heavies make it to the anime girls, but are interrupted by Coach wielding a pan and shouting "Alright, what the hell is this?" in Russian that delivers Ear Rape to the Heavies.
    • Ending C, as confirmed by ceno0 himselfPootis Engage - TV Tropes (5): "Aftermath" — The Heavies escape Area 51 with the anime girls in tow and the facility in ruins behind them. Both are listening to The Ink Spots as they walk into the sunset, ready to reap the rewards of their effort.
    • Ending D: "Kingdom Come" — The colorless Sol-dier wakes up (Billy Herrington-style) after being knocked out and arrives at the door to the anime girls, but notices that the door handle is shaking. It promptly breaks off and he is blown away by a flood of "Kingdom Come".
  • Gory Discretion Shot: When BLU Heavy elbow-drops a Merc, the scene cuts away to an elevator, which is promptly shaken from the impact. Safe to say there's nothing left of that poor Merc.
  • Groin Attack: BLU Heavy gets a BFS to the nads in Ending A.
  • Guns Akimbo: The buff Soldier from EXTREME makes use of two rocket launchers and uses them to an effective degree. He also has two shotguns but he uses them one after the other rather than at the same time during the Guilty Gear-style fight between him and the BLU Heavy. The BLU Heavy is also seen making use of two pistols in the intro.
  • Heroic Build: While debatably heroic, the colorless Soldier that the Heavies fight in EXTREME is comically buff and strong, which easily allows him to fight toe-to-toe with the duo.
  • Humanoid Abomination: The Heavies look just like their in-game models, but they are abnormally durable (able to tank a freaking rocket to the face), sometimes move by simply sliding across the ground like a statue, and occasionally break out the Reality Warping. Of course, it's all Played for Laughs.
  • Insult Backfire: Upon first encountering Sol-dier, he tries to goad the Heavies into a fight by telling them the weeb club is two blocks down. Instead of being insulted, they think he's giving them directions, thank him, and try to walk away. It takes him chucking a locker at the exit door for them to take the hint.
  • The Juggernaut:
    • Both RED and BLU Heavy are completely unfazed by the GRN Mercenaries' attempts to stop them, shrugging off More Dakka, a Mini-Mecha, and even a point-blank RPG to the face!
    • Sol-dier from EXTREME isn't far behind the two either, being able to easily take on most of their attacks. If Ending D is canon, then he somehow survives getting his entire head turned into jelly with a punch.
  • Knuckle Cracking: During the fight scene between the Sol-dier and the RED Heavy, he cracks his knuckles in a cinematic shot before delivering a Megaton Punch.

    You are going down, you Sputnik!

  • Letterbox:
    • Implemented quite cleverly by placing giant black boxes in SFM. It's used to striking effect in numerous scenes, especially when characters break out of the confines.
    • In EXTREME, one of BLU Heavy's attacks when fighting Sol-dier has him dual-wield the letterboxes and use them as weapons. It has to be seen to be believed.
  • Meaningful Name /Ironic Name /Non-Indicative Name: The mercs featured in the "Out of your friends, which are you?" scene each tick one of these boxes:
    • The Shotgun/Dallas merc, labeled as "Truck Freak", doesn't get the chance to interact with trucks at all.
    • The "Crazy Ass" merc lives up to his name by shooting RED Heavy at point blank range with a rocket launcher.
    • Finally, the only thing "The Fighter" does is leg it for the elevator in fear. He then falls out the side of the elevator as the Heavies break into it.
  • Mobile Shrubbery: One of the Mercenaries attempts to escape the Heavies' wrath by fleeing in a cardboard box. It... doesn't work, to put it gently.
  • Mook Horror Show: Played for Laughs; Pretty much every Area 51 mercenary seen dies a comically gruesome death at the hands of the Heavies, and most of them are justifiably scared shitless because of it.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: The comically buff Sol-dier has muscles for days (with massive pecs and biceps) and is the only one that could go toe-to-toe with the Comically Invincible Heavies. He even manages to kill the BLU Heavy, although it doesn't last.
  • One-Man Army: Despite working as a duo both the Heavies qualify, as nothing the mercenaries do can stop them despite their numbers and firepower. The colorless Sol-dier in EXTREME is one too, being able to fight off both the Heavies at once and kill the BLU Heavy, though he quickly comes back not long after.
  • Perverse Sexual Lust: The driving motivation of the Heavies, retrieving hot anime ass and titties from Area 51. Even some of the guards aren't safe from this as one discusses an anime plot involving huge boobs.
  • Pet the Dog: Two of the guards in EXTREME are spared by the Heavies from their usual rampage. The first was because the duo found what they were looking for, while the other was lucky that they were more preoccupied brawling with the Sol-dier.
    • The Heavies politely thanked Sol-dier for what they thought was directions for their destination and had no intention to fight him until he blocked their exit door by chucking a locker at it. Even after the Heavies defeat him, the fact that he's on a couple of pillows that weren't there before while he's unconscious implies the Heavies put them there for him to rest on.
  • Punched Across the Room: After doing a badass Knuckle Crack, Sol-dier delivers a punch that has enough power to create gusts of wind that not only sends RED Heavy flying across the room but then comes flying back to him.
  • Reference Overdosed: To a fatal degree; see the Shout-Out page.
  • Shooting Superman:
    • One particularly stubborn Merc attempts to shoot BLU Heavy in the chest with a shotgun. Not only does it do nothing, it makes the Heavy just ask him to stop it because of how pointless it is.
    • Right before that, right after BLU Heavy destroyed the Humongous Mecha, a trembling Merc walked up to him with an assault rifle. When Heavy turns to face him, the Merc makes the iconic goat screamPootis Engage - TV Tropes (6) as empties his entire magazine into him, to absolutely no effect.
  • Shout-Out: In practically every single scene, check them all out here.
  • Skewed Priorities: Some of the Area 51 guards demonstrate this. While his colleagues were busy dying on the surface, the Isaac Clarke merc spent his time discussing Buxom Beauty Standard on the phone. In EXTREME, the guard in the cafeteria where the Heavies fight Sol-dier almost doesn't register the flashy fight at all because he's too preoccupied reading hentai.
  • The Slow Walk: The Heavies power-walk straight through a hail of enemy gunfire without slowing down, and even taking a grenade to the face doesn't faze BLU Heavy aside from just making him replace his shades. They break out into a full sprint once the Area 51 guards start shooting rockets at them, though.
  • Stout Strength: Taken to ridiculous heights, as the main duo of Heavies pull insane feats of strength and endurance that could make an Ubercharge look like a joke.
  • Stylistic Suck: Sometimes the smooth awesome animation is broken up by characters moving either stiffly, motionless or ragdolling all over the place. All obviously Played for Laughs.
  • Traintop Battle: Part of the fight between the Heavy and Soldier in EXTREME takes place on top of a train
  • Vocal Dissonance: Mr. H(eavy) has the voice of Mio Honda of all people. If that wasn't enough ceno0 even created a green screen of Mr. H doing the the memeticPootis Engage - TV Tropes (7) "STEP!" dance.
  • Wrestler in All of Us:
    • The box Merc mentioned above dies when BLU Heavy performs an incredibly flashy elbow drop on him, with the final frames being a direct reference to the infamous Fuze meme.
    • The Isaac Clarke Merc in the end gets killed when RED Heavy performs Randy Orton's infamous RKO move.Pootis Engage - TV Tropes (8)
    • The wrestling moves continue as the Heavies get into a fight with the insanely buff Sol-dier in EXTREME. With the latter starting the fight with dropkick to both Heavies.
Pootis Engage - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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